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How to Calibrate a Pyranometer? (Guide)


Pyranometers are essential instruments used to measure solar radiation, which plays a critical role in various fields such as meteorology, climatology, and solar energy research. Accurate solar radiation measurements are vital for understanding and predicting weather patterns, optimizing solar energy systems, and conducting environmental studies. However, to ensure the accuracy of these measurements, pyranometers must be regularly calibrated.

Calibration is the process of adjusting the measurement accuracy of an instrument by comparing it with a known standard. For pyranometers, this process is crucial to maintain the reliability and consistency of the data they provide. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of pyranometer calibration, the different methods used, the challenges involved, and step-by-step instructions on how to calibrate a pyranometer effectively.

Why Calibration is Essential for Pyranometers

1. Ensuring Measurement Accuracy

The primary reason for calibrating a pyranometer is to ensure that it provides accurate measurements of solar radiation. Over time, factors such as environmental conditions, aging of sensors, and physical damage can cause a pyranometer's readings to drift from the true value. Calibration corrects these deviations, ensuring that the instrument continues to provide precise data. For more insights into solar radiation measurement, you can explore this detailed overview on the subject.

2. Compliance with Standards

In many industries, compliance with specific standards is mandatory. For example, ISO 17025 is an international standard that specifies the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. Regular calibration of pyranometers ensures that they meet these standards, which is crucial for maintaining certifications and avoiding regulatory penalties. ISO-CAL North America is proud to announce their ISO 17025 accreditation, which underscores their commitment to maintaining high standards.

3. Improving Data Reliability

In scientific research and commercial applications, data reliability is paramount. Uncalibrated pyranometers can produce inaccurate data, leading to incorrect conclusions and potentially costly errors. Regular calibration enhances the reliability of the data, making it more trustworthy for analysis and decision-making.

4. Extending Instrument Lifespan

Calibration not only ensures accuracy but also helps in maintaining the overall health of the pyranometer. By identifying and correcting potential issues early on, calibration can extend the lifespan of the instrument, providing better long-term value for the user.

Types of Pyranometers and Their Calibration Requirements

Pyranometers are categorized based on their sensing technology, each with unique calibration requirements. The most common types of pyranometers are:

1. Thermopile Pyranometers

Thermopile pyranometers are the most widely used type and are known for their high accuracy and wide spectral response. They consist of a thermopile sensor that generates a voltage proportional to the absorbed solar radiation. These pyranometers require precise calibration due to their sensitivity to temperature and other environmental factors. Learn more about what a pyranometer is and how it works.

2. Silicon Cell Pyranometers

Silicon cell pyranometers use a silicon photodiode to measure solar radiation. They are less accurate than thermopile pyranometers but are commonly used in solar energy applications due to their lower cost and faster response time. Calibration for silicon cell pyranometers typically involves comparing their output with a reference pyranometer under controlled conditions.

3. Spectrally Flat Pyranometers

Spectrally flat pyranometers are designed to measure solar radiation across a broader spectral range, including ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) wavelengths. These pyranometers require specialized calibration techniques to ensure accuracy across the entire spectral range.

4. Hemispherical Pyranometers

Hemispherical pyranometers measure the total solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface. They are used in meteorological stations and solar energy monitoring systems. Calibration for these pyranometers involves adjusting their response to the full hemispherical field of view.

Methods of Pyranometer Calibration

There are several methods for calibrating pyranometers, each with its advantages and limitations. The choice of method depends on factors such as the type of pyranometer, the desired accuracy, and the available resources.

1. Indoor Calibration Using an Artificial Light Source

Indoor calibration involves using an artificial light source, such as a halogen lamp, to simulate solar radiation. This method is commonly used for initial factory calibration and for calibrating pyranometers that cannot be easily transported to an outdoor site. ISO-CAL North America has recently completed the installation of their indoor pyranometer calibration facility, which is designed to handle such tasks.

  • Procedure: The pyranometer is placed in a controlled environment, and the artificial light source is positioned at a fixed distance. The output of the pyranometer is compared to a reference pyranometer that has been previously calibrated using natural sunlight. Adjustments are made to the instrument to match the reference output.
  • Advantages: This method allows for precise control over environmental conditions, reducing the influence of external factors such as weather and temperature.
  • Limitations: Artificial light sources may not perfectly replicate the solar spectrum, leading to potential inaccuracies. Additionally, this method may not be suitable for spectrally flat pyranometers that require calibration across a broad spectral range.

2. Outdoor Calibration Using Direct Sunlight

Outdoor calibration is considered the most accurate method, as it uses natural sunlight to calibrate the pyranometer. This method is commonly used for field calibration and for verifying the accuracy of pyranometers that have already been calibrated indoors. ISO-CAL North America offers outdoor calibration services for pyranometers, ensuring the highest level of accuracy.

  • Procedure: The pyranometer is placed alongside a reference pyranometer in an outdoor environment with clear skies. Both pyranometers are exposed to direct sunlight, and their outputs are compared. Adjustments are made to the instrument being calibrated to match the reference output.
  • Advantages: This method provides the most accurate calibration, as it uses the full solar spectrum. It is also suitable for all types of pyranometers, including spectrally flat models.
  • Limitations: Outdoor calibration is dependent on weather conditions and may be influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. It also requires access to a reference pyranometer with known accuracy.

3. Calibration Using the Sun-and-Shade Method

The sun-and-shade method is a specialized outdoor calibration technique that involves alternating the exposure of the pyranometer to direct sunlight and shade. This method is commonly used for pyranometers that measure diffuse solar radiation.

  • Procedure: The pyranometer is first exposed to direct sunlight, and its output is recorded. It is then shaded, and the output is recorded again. The difference between the two readings is used to calibrate the instrument, with adjustments made to match a reference pyranometer. ISO-CAL North America has added diffuse radiation measurement to their outdoor calibration testbed, enhancing the accuracy of such methods.
  • Advantages: This method is effective for calibrating pyranometers that measure diffuse radiation, as it isolates the diffuse component from the direct component.
  • Limitations: The accuracy of this method is highly dependent on the quality of the shading device and the stability of the atmospheric conditions during calibration.

4. Calibration Using the Global Solar Radiation Method

The global solar radiation method involves using a pyrheliometer, a specialized instrument that measures direct solar radiation, in conjunction with a pyranometer. This method is commonly used in meteorological and climate research.

  • Procedure: The pyranometer and pyrheliometer are placed side by side, and their outputs are recorded simultaneously. The pyrheliometer's reading is used to correct the pyranometer's output, ensuring that it accurately reflects the global solar radiation.
  • Advantages: This method provides a comprehensive calibration by accounting for both direct and diffuse solar radiation. It is suitable for pyranometers used in scientific research.
  • Limitations: The global solar radiation method requires access to a pyrheliometer, which may not be available in all calibration facilities. It is also time-consuming and requires precise alignment of the instruments.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calibrating a Pyranometer

Calibrating a pyranometer involves several steps, each of which must be carefully executed to ensure accurate results. Below is a step-by-step guide to calibrating a pyranometer using the outdoor method, which is the most common and accurate approach.

Step 1: Prepare the Calibration Site

  • Select a Suitable Location: Choose an outdoor location with clear skies and minimal obstructions. The site should be free from shadows, reflections, and other sources of interference. Ensure that the location provides a stable platform for the pyranometers.
  • Set Up the Reference Pyranometer: Position the reference pyranometer at the calibration site. The reference pyranometer should be calibrated and certified to a known standard. Ensure that it is properly aligned and leveled to capture the maximum amount of solar radiation.

Step 2: Position the Pyranometer to be Calibrated

  • Align the Pyranometer: Place the pyranometer to be calibrated next to the reference pyranometer. Ensure that both instruments are aligned in the same direction and are at the same height. The pyranometer should be leveled using a spirit level to ensure accurate measurements.
  • Secure the Pyranometer: Use clamps or other securing devices to prevent the pyranometer from moving during calibration. Movement can introduce errors in the calibration process.

Step 3: Record the Calibration Data

  • Begin Data Collection: Start recording the output of both the reference pyranometer and the pyranometer to be calibrated. Data should be collected at regular intervals (e.g., every minute) for a sufficient period (e.g., 30 minutes to 1 hour) to account for any fluctuations in solar radiation.
  • Monitor Environmental Conditions: Record environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. These factors can influence the calibration process and should be considered when analyzing the data.

Step 4: Analyze the Calibration Data

  • Compare the Outputs: Once the data collection is complete, compare the output of the pyranometer being calibrated with the reference pyranometer. The difference between the two outputs indicates the calibration factor that needs to be applied.
  • Calculate the Calibration Factor: The calibration factor is calculated by dividing the output of the reference pyranometer by the output of the pyranometer being calibrated. This factor is then used to adjust the readings of the pyranometer to match the reference.

Step 5: Apply the Calibration Factor

  • Adjust the Pyranometer: Apply the calibration factor to the pyranometer by adjusting its internal settings or applying a correction factor in the data processing software. This adjustment ensures that the pyranometer's output matches the reference standard.
  • Verify the Calibration: After applying the calibration factor, conduct a verification test to ensure that the pyranometer is providing accurate readings. Compare the output of the calibrated pyranometer with the reference pyranometer once again to confirm the accuracy.

Step 6: Document the Calibration

  • Record Calibration Details: Document the calibration process, including the date, location, environmental conditions, reference pyranometer details, and calibration factor. This documentation is essential for maintaining calibration records and ensuring traceability.
  • Issue a Calibration Certificate: If the calibration is conducted in a certified laboratory, issue a calibration certificate that includes all relevant details. This certificate serves as proof of calibration and is required for compliance with standards such as ISO 17025. For more information on ISO-CAL North America's standards and certifications, visit their standard compliancy page.

Challenges and Considerations in Pyranometer Calibration

While calibrating a pyranometer is a straightforward process, several challenges and considerations must be addressed to ensure accurate results.

1. Environmental Factors

Environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure can influence the calibration process. For example, temperature fluctuations can cause changes in the sensitivity of the pyranometer, leading to inaccurate readings. It is essential to monitor and control these factors as much as possible during calibration.

2. Aging and Wear of Sensors

Pyranometers, like all instruments, are subject to aging and wear over time. The sensors may degrade, leading to a decrease in sensitivity and accuracy. Regular calibration helps to identify and correct these issues, but in some cases, the pyranometer may need to be replaced.

3. Calibration Intervals

Determining the appropriate calibration interval for a pyranometer is critical. Too frequent calibration may be unnecessary and costly, while infrequent calibration can result in inaccurate data. The interval depends on factors such as the type of pyranometer, its usage, and the environmental conditions to which it is exposed.

4. Traceability and Standards

Calibration should always be traceable to a recognized standard, such as those provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or ISO 17025. Traceability ensures that the calibration is accurate and reliable, providing confidence in the data collected by the pyranometer.

5. Calibration in Different Environments

Pyranometers may be used in various environments, from desert climates to polar regions. Calibration procedures may need to be adapted to account for the specific challenges of these environments, such as extreme temperatures, high humidity, or low solar angles.


Calibrating a pyranometer is a critical process that ensures the accuracy and reliability of solar radiation measurements. Whether you are conducting meteorological research, optimizing a solar energy system, or monitoring environmental conditions, regular calibration is essential for maintaining the quality of your data.

By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can effectively calibrate your pyranometer and ensure that it provides accurate and consistent readings. Remember to consider environmental factors, sensor aging, and traceability to recognized standards to achieve the best results.

Regular calibration not only improves the accuracy of your pyranometer but also extends its lifespan, providing long-term value for your investment. Whether you are calibrating a thermopile pyranometer, a silicon cell pyranometer, or a spectrally flat pyranometer, the principles and procedures outlined in this guide will help you achieve the highest level of accuracy and reliability in your solar radiation measurements.
